- #Stonehearth game lagging full
- #Stonehearth game lagging pro
- #Stonehearth game lagging mods
- #Stonehearth game lagging Pc
- #Stonehearth game lagging professional
Hearthlings can use this dirt to restore the terrain to ground level. In the case where a Goblin camp has lowered the terrain by a single tile, a special item called Mound of Dirt typically remains after the camp is destroyed. Free-standing tiles can also be designed using the Slab functionality. Stairs, coloured walls / floor, fortifications and roofs can be built using this functionality. Terrain is not accessible as an "Item" but can be altered via the Design Custom Building function. Decorations and furniture can be crafted by certain classes and gold coins can be received from trading with travelling shops. Food can be harvested from farms or the natural world, obtained by trappers and shepherds, and crafted by the cook. There are a variety of miscellaneous items in the world that are not included as part of the above categories.
#Stonehearth game lagging full
Simple armor crafted from animal hide provides a quick-and-dirty early armor, but more intricate armors, up to steel full plate mail can be crafted if the right resources are available. There are a variety of weapons that can be crafted, from the simple wooden sword to the two handed sword.Īrmor is crafted to be worn by soldiers such as Footman to protect them against the deadly blows from enemy combatants. ok for somereason just to test the cpu is processing everything even graphics (i turned shadows off and my game regained some playability ) i dont believe this should be the case i think the lua should hand the graphics processing off to the graphics unit maybe create some kind of a hook that allows the gpu to do its job and relieve the processor this is now up to 24 hearthings was taking 12. Weapons are used by Hearthlings to defend the settlement or by enemies to attack the Hearthlings. This includes the wood harvested from trees, wool sheared from a sheep, and the ores mined out of the ground. Resources are the natural world's contributions to a settlement. The Worker is the only class that neither requires nor has its own equipment, however, they carry a Mining Pickaxe with them. The Carpenter has a Saw, the Farmer has a Hoe, and other classes all have their own specialized equipment. Tools are the basic items that Hearthlings use to complete their jobs.
#Stonehearth game lagging professional
Items are acquired by gathering them from the world's resources, earning them via a quest, crafting them with a professional Hearthling, or looting them from an enemies defeated corpse. Dropbox desert_peaceful.Items make up every object in the game world, from food Hearthlings eat and tools they use, to the weaponry and armor of invading goblins. No Stonehearth games have any issues till 20+ villagers. I can’t find any performance metric showing stress. The big game uses about 2.5gb ram, the other 1.7. Hard mode game has 40 villagers, but the peaceful mode game started having problems at only 23 villagers. Started the peaceful game because thought I could avoid the problem. Started the peaceful one after the hard one became virtually unplayable, but did notice that in the hard mode game that the problem got worse as enemies spawned, and problem would go away if ALL enemies on the map were killed. Have two games going, one “hard mode” and other on “peaceful”. Task manager puts cpu loads (with almost nothing else open) between 20-25%, GPU load (according to GPU-Z) at 20-30% avg.
#Stonehearth game lagging Pc
This article is for those who love to play PC games but hate annoying lag spikes and FPS drops. Sometimes the problem goes away briefly when changing game speeds (up or down), or saving and immediately loading the save, sometimes a few seconds, sometimes a few minutes. It can become really frustrating, particularly when it happens extremely frequently. Doesn’t matter if it is on minimum specs or maximum. Having similar problems it isn’t just “slow”, but seems to perform smoothly for. You’ll need to use something like 7zip to get better compression, or upload your file to dropbox, box, google drive, etc instead, if it is larger than 10mb. Also note: file uploads are limited to 10mb.
#Stonehearth game lagging mods
Note: if you’re new to the Discourse, one of the mods will have to enable your ability to upload. This image is what appears in the game’s load screen, so you should be able to match the image to the save if you’re having trouble finding the right one.
#Stonehearth game lagging pro
Pro tip: Inside each save’s folder there’s a preview image. Find the date/time of the save, zip it up and upload it to the Discourse. In the directory that appears, open the save_games directory, and you should see a list of folders here.

Hey - since we’re on the subject, I think this save might be useful for performance optimizations, as - In Steam, Right-click on the game’s title in the left-side navigation menu, and select Properties, then click on the Local Files tab, and finally click the Browse Local Files button.